Friday, July 12, 2013

Create Artifacts for WSO2 App Factory using WSO2 Developer Studio

After a couple of iterations, now the  WSO2 App Factory is released. You can experience the live version of WSO2 App Factory from here.
The Developer Studio too is compatible with creating artifacts and deploying them into App Factory.

The blog below shows how to work on App Factory seamlessly with Developer Studio.

  1. Download and install Eclipse Juno distribution - eclipse-jee-juno-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
  2. Download latest Dev Studio distribution from
  3. Start Eclipse and install the above Dev Studio distribution. This contains the latest App Factory tooling support as well.
  4. Go to Windows --> Open Perspective --> App Factory

  1. Once click on App Factory, this will prompt a window to enter the Host, Username and Password to connect to App Factory.

  1. Once provided the above, it opens up the App Factory views as below.
  1. In the Application List view, go to an app, Select an app --> version --> checkout --> Add to workspace
The particular App version will be appeared in the Project Explorer.

  1. Right click on app in project explorer --> Team --> Share Project --> in the wizard, select Git
Select the project and click Finish.

  1. Change a file in the application. The changes will be shown as below. (with a “>”)

  1. Right click changed file --> Team -->Commit.
Add a commit message --> Commit 
Right click the file --> Team --> Push to Upstream